by shirokiddo
written 5/12/2024
welcome to the new!
it used to be more basic, so we added a few touches of our own. we tried doing like a early 2000s look, and i personally think that it's pretty cool now! if you're wondering what the "techno phoenix" advertisement was, it was kind of like a shoutout to some of our best buddies, joshua and rebecca, who are in that group! congrats to them!

also, we decided to add a song of the week every friday! we also added a featured video on the main hub, aswell as the discord, so you can join! we also implemented a searchbar! also, many things came out while the update was being worked on, so check that out in the shows. see you next news post!

Site designed and programmed by shirokiddo. THE BASSTURDZ, 2024.